Construction administration is closely associated with a nation's infrastructure development, economic growth and enhancement of the quality of lives and living environments. Its objective is to establish a system for equitable, effective construction management and sustainable industrial development/operation; to create quality production/living environments; to implement plans for development, preservation and sustainable utilization of national lands for living space; to pursue a balanced regional and urban/rural development; and to build modern cities that preserve local features.
Given the charge over the nation's construction administration, the Construction and Planning Agency is responsible for planning and formulating construction policies and regulations and for promoting major relevant projects, such as preparing territorial development plans, improving urban development planning and architectural administration, developing new cities and towns, building public housing projects, intensifying preservation of national parks, planning and constructing metropolitan parks and various urban infrastructures. The administration involves investigation, integration, distribution, preservation and utilization of resources. And it takes detailed, reliable statistical data to propose and plan policies.
Therefore, the Construction and Planning Agency compiles data concerning its major responsibilities according to statistical materials collected over the years for Taiwan-Min area regarding implementation of regional plans, preparation of urban development plans, erection of public housings, administration of national parks, construction of sewers, and management of building construction. In accordance with the characteristics of data and administrative achievements, statistical charts/tables and written analysis are employed to complete the Chinese-English e-book of "Statistical Annals of Construction and Planning Administration of Taiwan-Min Area" for interested parties and individuals to download and print out for analysis, so the general public may be better informed of the construction administration, and government agencies and concerned groups may have sources to refer to for making policies and conducting researches. Your comments are invited to help us make this publication a better reference.